CWA LakeStreet Realty Listings

R E A L  E S T A T E
5 Lake Street - Lincoln, Maine 04457 - (207) 794-2460 - (800) 675-2460 - Fax (207) 794-8539

The broker hereby discloses that he/she is acting solely as the agent for the seller, in marketing, Negotiating and sale of this property unless a separate buyer agency contract is entered into.


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Waterfront Camps/Houses

Please select a property below - Last Updated: 10/1/2024 4:01:21 PM
Picture Type Address Price
CAMPS Lord Brook Road, Grand Falls TWP $110,000.00
CAMPS 200 Hale Farm Road, Lee $89,000.00
CAMPS 415 Caribou Road, Passadumkeag $39,000.00

 If you require instant assistance please call us at (800) 675-2460.